5 Tips to Help Every Designer Satisfy Their Clients

Travis Walser
3 min readAug 30, 2022

Working with clients can be difficult. But there are some things you can do that will make your client feel satisfied and make your life as a designer easier. In today’s article, we’re going to cover how to make your client happy by using these five tips.

Five Tips to Help Every Designer Satisfy Their Clients


The first tip is to LISTEN TO THEM. You want to make sure that you’re listening to what they need and what they’re looking for. You don’t want to just guess or assume that you know what they want because that can lead to a lot of problems down the road. So be sure you’re listening closely when they explain their needs and wants!


The second tip is to RESPOND QUICKLY. If your client needs something from you, don’t wait three days before responding! I know it can be hard sometimes, especially if life gets really busy or if something comes up, but try your best not to take too long responding back because it will make them feel like they aren’t important enough for you. And nobody wants that!


The third tip is about COMMUNICATION — being clear about everything that’s happening so everyone knows where things stand at all times. This means being upfront about deadlines and expectations upfront so there aren’t any misunderstandings later on down the road when things start to get really busy. It also means being open and honest about what’s going on. If there are any issues, address them as soon as possible so you can both work together to come up with a solution.


One of the easiest ways to make a client happy is to make sure they feel like they’re part of the process — that they understand what you’re doing and why. This doesn’t mean you have to explain every single step (although sometimes it’s helpful). Instead, try making sure your client is involved in every step of the process: from conception through execution. If they understand why something works or doesn’t work, it will help them trust your decisions and feel more confident in the outcome.

Meet Client Needs

The final tip, was probably the hardest to master for me: Sometimes, you just have to give them exactly what they asked for! No matter how much better another design idea might seem — sometimes it’s just not about that. Sometimes it’s more about being within their budget or timeline. Your job is not just about making great work — it’s also about making sure that work gets done within budget and on time! Now that doesn’t mean, that you can’t make two designs to give your client the option, just know you’re going to eat one of them. And sometimes, that’s necessary.

To sum it all up, the most important thing you can do is get to know your client, be honest about what the job entails and what it will cost, listen carefully to their feedback and try to understand where they’re coming from before making any changes. That’ll put you on the path, to more satisfied clients, which means more recommendations, and more work.



Travis Walser

Designer at Snap Peterson, LLC. | Freelance Content Creator, Strategist, Photographer, Designer | I love connecting with clients and creatives!